Accommodations for Students

  • Students are usually housed in a series of apartments in the medieval center of the town of San Gemini. Students will get their own private bedroom in an apartment that they will share with one or more students (up to 4). The apartments will have a shared kitchen and bathroom. They will have laundry washing machine and internet service. The housing costs include clean sheets and towels weekly and a weekly cleaning service.

Cost of Housing Provided by SGB&P in San Gemini

Academic year 2025-2026 (9 months) in San Gemini, Italy

(Tentative) Housing Costs $6,000 USD

  • If available we can supply private apartments (studio or 1 bedroom). Prices vary according to the demands of the landlords.

  • Students have the choice to find their own accommodations as long a you let us know by July 15, 2024.

  • In town there is a good 4 star Hotel that can supply very comfortable room and board but clearly they have much higher prices